Monday, October 8, 2012

Smart Friends Make the Worst Friends

     I'm not saying this to sound condescending, but I have friends in two categories. My Smart Friends and my well...Not Smart Friends. Now I must assert that my friends under the moniker, "Not Smart Friends," are not stupid or unintelligent or ignorant. Let me explain...

    I'm a thinker. I'm phlegmatic. I sit and think...a lot. And when you get me talking about something I'm pondering, I have a lot to say. I love talking to people about things that are mentally stimulating. As much as it frustrates me sometimes, I love it when someone challenges my beliefs and values. I want someone to question me when I speak. I love it. Having a long and thoughtful discussion is my language of love.  I can see why so many intelligent people become depressed. They have so many friends like mine. The loyal friends they have they can't talk to the way they want, and the ones they can talk to won't talk to them.

    Basically my loyal friends are friends I've had for ages and we've bonded over something we had in common. Most of my friends I've made through music. Even there I can't get very deep with them. I was there when one was born and the other I made through building computers. Typically whatever thing I bonded with them over is the sole thing I can talk to them about.

    My Smart Friends I can talk to about anything and they can have a deep conversation with them about it even if we don't entirely agree on what it is we're talking about. I can mention something in the news and even if they don't know what I'm talking about, they can talk about it in depth. However; every friend in this category are flakes. I can never get them out to hang or visit. They're typically absorbed in whatever they're doing and even when I ask to join them, it never comes to fruition.

    Maybe I'm just being whiny. I did want to get it off my chest.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Extracurricular Activity

              Now that the Spring semester is over, I find myself craving more scholarly enterprises more so than those that I was involved in at school. When I was in class I  longed for inactivity and non-productiveness. Now that it's all over, I'm at it again. These adventures are more for personal fascinations rather than that of school, but some are related. Right now I'm reading a fascinating history of the Vikings by Robert Ferguson (The Vikings). I'm doing so in hopes of learning more about my own culture and diverse heritage. Next I'll either begin reading Halo: Cryptum for some entertainment value or rereading Victims of Progress to get a deeper understanding of Anthropology. To add to this, reading for me is a long arduous task. I'm a slow reader because I need to sit and comprehend things for an extended period of time, so it's not like a walk in the park.

             As I was enjoying the cool post-in-climate weather breeze this afternoon over a pipe, I pondered the concept of vacation. Vacation for me has evolved from an escape from school/work into a purge of mandatory productivity (i.e. studying and so forth). The things I do on vacation are not just fun, but productive. I have more time to enjoy the healthy activities like reading, practicing language and exercise. These are all things I do in school, but they're more fun when I'm not forced to do them, or being graded for them. As I pondered it even more, I synthesized it down to a hypothesis. Vacation is not just an inherent act of doing nothing important, but a psychological need to bring balance to everyday activity. Vacation is a reaction to an excess. I've done so much mandatory work, that now I crave compulsory work. The things I wish to do, which could include things that are either productive or not, versus the things I have to do. I have to study, so I don't want to, but not because there is anything fundamentally wrong with homework. I actually like studying. It's just that I have to do it, and if I don't do it right, I'll reap unwanted consequences like a bad grade. Maybe I'm avoiding pain like rejection or disappointment.

            So, tell me. How do you vacation, and why? Do you do fun, productive things or non-productive things?


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This is my new blog. I'm going to right about random stuff. Hope you enjoy.